SMPRP Board of Trustees
The affairs of the Organization shall be administered by the eleven (11) members of the Board of Trustees (BOT), in which six (6) members are part of the Executive Committee (EC). With the exception of the President, they shall be duly elected during the Annual General Meeting for duration as provided in Article IV Section 4. (Article III-Section 1. SMPRP 2019 Rules and Regulations)
SMPRP Committees
​(Article III-Section IV. SMPRP 2019 Rules and Regulations)
Constitution, By-Laws, and Ethics Committee - reviews the Organization's Constitution and By-laws; upholds the ethical standards of the organizations; validates any complaints against active members of the society; and may recommend suspension, expulsion and termination of membership
Public Relations Committee - disseminates news, information and notices to members; and serves as contact for other organizations/societies (PROS, PSNM, PCR, etc.)
Membership and Organizational Structure Committee - accounts all members in good standing and in-charge of the recruitment and membership approval; and may provide a Certificate of Good Standing to requesting members with the approval of the BOT.
Training and Development Committee - promotes the technical advancements of the society through continuing education and training programs; and shall function as the continuing education and training committee
Scientific Committee – Ensures research growth within the society; and organizes conferences and scientific meetings to serve as a venue to share medical physics studies to the Organization and other allied health professionals
Accreditation and Awards Committee – studies and complies with external accreditation target of the Organization as approved by the BOT; endorses nominees for external awards given by the affiliate organizations; and convenes and grants awards to outstanding members of the Organization as the BOT sees fit
Regulatory Affairs Committee – leads and represents the organization in discussions of regulatory concerns
Philippine Board of Medical Physics
In order to advance the practice of Medical Physics in the country, the Philippine Board of Medical Physics (PBMP) is hereby created with Different Subspecialties pertaining to the different subspecialties in Medical Physics. The PBMP Subspecialty of Radiation Oncology Medical Physics (ROMP) created by POMP Resolution dated August 10, 2010 shall continue to exist and all its previous decisions are hereby upheld, especially the certification of radiation oncology medical physicists. Other subspecialties of medical physics such as a) diagnostic radiology medical physics (DRMP); b) nuclear medicine physics (NMP); c) medical health physics (MHP); and others shall be created, in accordance with the qualification criteria and guidelines set forth in this Article and/or other criteria and guidelines to be established by the respective Subspecialty of the PBMP. The PBMP members shall have the power to issue guidelines and policies regarding the certification of Medical Physicists in the Republic of the Philippines. (Article XI. SMPRP 2019 Rules and Regulations)