The SMPRP Medical Physics Residency program successfully conducted its first residency fora for medical physics subfields: Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Medical Physics (DRMP) and Radiation Oncology Medical Physics (ROMP) last August 03, 2024, at East Avenue Medical Center, and St Luke’s Medical Center Bonifacio Global City.
The said event brought together medical physicists from all over the country to discuss topics, developments and challenges related to their respective fields of practice. The forum also served as a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange among medical physics residents, supervisors, and training officers.

Topics in the field of diagnostic and interventional radiology medical physics include: image quality in digital radiography by Merry Jaine Ortillo; ionizing radiation beam analyzers and dosimeters in diagnostic radiology and medical physics testing by Jacob Mata; artifacts in digital radiography and computed tomography by Melissa Rosales and; radiation biology and epidemiology by Denxybel Montinola.

Topics in the field of Radiation Oncology Medical Physics include radiation oncology case discussions on head and neck by Rosa Belarmino; chest/lung by Danilo Yambao; breast by Kristel Colendrino; prostate by Alexander Madrigal; gynecological cases by Jhelora De Guzman; and neurological cases by Miguel Escobar. Other topics include emergency preparedness drill in a radiotherapy facility (EBRT and BT) by Alex Vargas; case scenarios of accidental exposures and lessons learned - medical, public, occupational by Geraldine Cua; calculation and design of external beam radiotherapy facility by Royce Gaspar; calculation and design of brachytherapy facility by Collin Del Rosario and personal dosimetry systems by Adam Domingo.
The SMPRP Medical Physics Residency program is implemented under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) RAS 6101 Technical Cooperation Project on "Improving the Quality and Safety of Radiation Medicine through Medical Physicist Education and Training” which aims to improve the quality and safety of radiation medicine in the Asia–Pacific region through medical physicist education, training, and certification.

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Medical Physics Residents, with Ms. Karl Acaba (Supervisor), and Mr. Jay Tio (DRMP Training Officer)

Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Residents
To know more about the SMPRP Medical Physics Residency Program, check out this link: